Lesson 17: The parts of a Single Crochet stitch

In the above diagram you can see the following:
  • Front Loop and Back Loop:

    The Front Loop is the loop that facing you whether you are looking at the front (right side) or at the back (wrong side) of the stitch.

    You can find more about Back Loop and Front Loop in the previous lesson.

  • Post:
    The post of the stitch is made up of two vertical bars. “Post stitches” are worked around both vertical bars.

  • Back Bar:
    When you look at the back side of the stitch, you can see the Back Bar. It is a small horizontal bar sits under the Front loop.

Lesson 16: Loops in Crochet

Generally a crochet stitch is made by slipping the hook under the top two loops of a stitch, but some patterns will say to insert the hook through the back or front loop only. This creates a ridge or horizontal bar across the row.

Front loops, back loops, both loops
Work only in loop(s) indicated by arrow


Free loops
After working in Back or Front Loops Only on a row or round,
there will be a ridge of unused loops called 'Free loops'.
When instructed to work in a free loop of a beginning chain,
work in loop indicated by arrow.

Lesson 15: Reverse Single Crochet (rev sc)

Reverse single crochet (it also called crab stitch or rolled stitch) is a decorative stitch used as a border stitch. It creates a rounded row of stitches.

Lesson 14: Weave In Loose Ends

After you've fastened off, it's important to weave in the loose ends so that they are secure and will not work free. Two methods of weaving in ends are shown below.

Lesson 13: Fasten Off

Work your last crochet stitch until you have two loops remaining. Cut the yarn, leaving at least a 4 inch tail. Draw the yarn through the last two loops. Tighten gently to prevent unraveling.

Lesson 12: Join to Form a Ring using Slip Stitch (sl st)

A slip stitch is used to join the first and last chains in a foundation chain to form a ring. This is the first step in making many motifs, including the ever popular granny square. Insert the hook into the first chain, under both the top part of the chain in the front and the back loop.

Three crochet flowers with patterns

My daughter poncho

I crocheted this poncho for my daughter using yellow and orange yarn to keep her warm in fall season.

Lesson 11: Turning Chains

When crocheting in rows, you need to chain a certain number of stitches before starting each new row. These chain stitches are called turning chains. They are necessary to keep the edges of your work even.

Each type of stitch has a standard number of turning chains that are equal in height to the height of the stitch.

Lesson 10: Triple Crochet (tr)

Triple crochet, like single and double crochet, builds on a foundation chain as a base. However triple crochet has extra height because extra loops are worked off the hook.

Foundation Chain and First Row

For a practice swatch of 12 stitches, make a foundation chain of 15 stitches. Holding the foundation chain with the front facing you, yarn over twice and put the hook into the fifth chain from the hook.