Wedge stitch

Multiple of 6 sts + 1
(add 1 for base chain)
Special Abbreviation
WP (Wedge Picot) = work 6ch, 1sc into 2nd ch from hook, 1hdc into next ch, 1dc into next ch, 1tr into next ch, 1dtr into next ch.
1st row (wrong side): 1 sc into 2nd ch from hook.

* 1WP, skip 5ch, 1sc into next ch, rep from * to end, turn.

2nd row: 5ch (count as 1dtr), * 1 sc into top of WP, over next 5ch at underside of WP work 1sc into next ch, 1hdc into next ch, 1dc into next ch, 1tr into next ch, 1dtr into next ch, skip next sc, rep from * omitting 1dtr at end of last rep when 2 sts remain, ** (yo) 3 times, insert hook into last ch at underside of WP, yo, draw loop through, (yo, draw through 2 loops) 3times, rep from ** into next sc, yo, draw through all 3 loops on hook, skip tch, turn.

3rd raw: 1ch, 1sc into first st, *1WP, skip next 5 sts, 1sc into next st, rep from * ending last rep with 1sc into top of tch, turn.
Rep 2nd and 3rd rows.

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